Serious plane theft
In the last few days some well-organized thieves have been working at small airports along the US-Canada border. In Bonners Ferry, Idaho and in Creston, BC (about 30 miles apart) thieves broke into hangars three nights in a row. In both places they were trying to grab a Cessna 182; they finally succeeded in Bonners Ferry. They also stole some handguns and a car. The Cessna hasn't been located yet; the thieves know how to fly the plane, so presumably they also know how to turn off its transponder. Appears to have been one group driving back and forth between the two airports, not two separate groups.
Could be drug smugglers, or could be more serious considering the simultaneous Mohammedan terrorist activities in Denver.
here and
here.= = = = =
Update 10/2: The plane made a hard landing in Western Washington today, and the pilot ran away. Hasn't been caught yet, but cops now think it's a Seattle teenager named Colton Harris-Moore, who stole two different Cessna 182 planes last year and flew them around before crashing them. Big question: why isn't he in jail already?