Deep throat, mark felt!
What? You say it's a man's name, not a command? Same effect.
Disgusting to watch the Party acolytes performing a sanctification ceremony this morning. The Comrades should properly be mourning the fall of Nixon, who was the most effective leftist President. LBJ certainly realized that when he secretly threw his support to Nixon and stiffed Humphrey in '68. And why don't conservatives realize that Clinton was the most effective conservative president in recent times, at least on the domestic front?
The British author Jonathan Aitken gives the most accurate take on Nixon in
this book; Aitken has also written a larger history of America in which he covers the same territory.
And while I'm whining, why is it that America has to
outsource accurate history and journalism? For a pro-Western approach, we have to rely on Aitken, Paul Johnson (Brit), Rupert Murdoch (Aussie), and Sun Myung Moon (Alpha Centaurian).