But we worked hard to take a holistic and multi-faceted view of the problem, and we devoted a full chapter—chapter 6—to situating campus events within the broader American culture war in which each side drives the other to do ever-more-outrageous and illiberal things. In fact, we opened the chapter with Newton’s third law and then we modified it for life in a polarization spiral: “for every action there is a disproportionate reaction.”Bullshit. Life runs on negative feedback. Natural negative feedback is perfectly proportionate. The only way to get a disproportionate reaction is through intelligent and malicious MANIPULATION. Simple example: You're carrying a coffeecup. The reflex arcs in your arm adjust in an infinitely delicate and perfect way to keep the cup balanced. Suddenly some asshole grabs your arm and pulls it to one side, then lets go. What happens? Crash! Disproportionate reaction to an intelligent and malicious restraint. More complex example: You're inhaling air that contains viruses. The immune cells in your nose adjust in an infinitely delicate and perfect way to keep the viruses in balance. Suddenly some asshole forces you to wear a ballgag, rebreathing the same viruses over and over and over, destroying the natural feedback. What happens when you remove the ballgag? Crash! Disproportionate reaction to an intelligent and malicious restraint. The polarization we see in social media is driven by intelligent and malicious assholes who know exactly when to strap down and exactly when to release. THIS IS NOT NEW. Machiavelli drew up the blueprint, and it has been refined by expert assholes like Lady Edgar and Roy Cohn and Jeffrey Epstein. Unsurprisingly, Trump and Clinton, the Big Personalities in recent times, are INTIMATELY tied to Epstein. Trump was also tied to Cohn. Are Haidt et al really as dumb as they sound, or are they part of the malicious game? I'll go with the latter.
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