Another closure sequence
Thinking about closure of info, here's another category of previously available info that is closed off now.
I've discussed this many times. Radio and TV and newspapers used to warn us about frauds and rackets and blackmail. All the common methods were described and dramatized clearly, and prosecuted harshly.
Now we're not allowed to learn how scams work, and all talk of blackmail is tinfoiled into oblivion. Blackmail is rarely prosecuted because it's a government program.
Ran into a good example of the old style in
this Charlie Chan movie. Chan has exposed a 'psychic' cult leader who was profiting massively from blackmail. His followers were required to gather info to serve his 'telepathy' act, and he then used the same info to blackmail others.

Blackmail plus Big Data, 1938 style.
Now it's much easier, but we're not allowed to see how it works.