Scenarios have been developed to portray clusters of the selected critical uncertainties that bear on the topic of investment in climate-compatible infrastructure. Each has a core characterization and a combination of critical uncertainties. 1. Open Internationalism: emphasizes largely open markets, a powerful global corporate community, strong citizen action, and ongoing international cooperation. 2. Assertive States: emphasizes strong state influence over domestic and global economies, corporateinterests that are more responsive to policy imperatives, and long-term policy objectives that take priority over shorter-term and more immediate citizen interests. 3. Patchwork: emphasizes a global economy made up of more autonomous entities, whether states, regions and/or sub-state actors, shifting demand for infrastructure, and strengthening investment in local, more closed economies. 4. Shocked Collaboration: emphasizes the effects of major shocks to the global system, whether recessions, weather events, or security-related disruptions, resulting in more ambitious collaboration involving public and private actors.Elsewhere the document mentions that the shocks may be "exogenous or policy-driven", and again we know which is preferred. SHOCKED COLLABORATION is the only thing Deepstate wants. We see it over and over and over. 2020 was the biggest and most evil by an infinite measure, and I'm sure the next one will be even bigger and more totally holocaustal. What was the first** policy-driven Shocked Collaboration after Deepstate's lethal rebirth in 1946? Sputnik. It wasn't an exogenous shock. There was no reason for US or Russia to send men into space. 50 years later, we haven't gone back to the moon or beyond the moon, and the space race didn't improve technology at all. Zero consequences, unless you consider Tang to be worth the trillion-dollar expenditure Computing was steadily improving, and electronics was steadily miniaturizing, since 1890. Space didn't change the shape of those curves. Sputnik was a policy-driven shock that led to a #WholeOfSociety collaboration. Russia beat us, so we needed to mobilize everyone to beat them next time. Commerce picked up the theme immediately, indicating a carefully prepared Shock. From radio trade journals in Nov and Dec '57:
Labels: #WholeOfSociety, Carbon Cult
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