Do note that creating incentives to uncover fraudulent research will be incentives to falsely frame genuine research as being fraudulent (which I consider at least as bad, if not worse). There is really no escaping in the current system - you can try to address some of the symptoms, but you cannot change people's behavioural patterns.It's time to do for research what FDR did for banks. Shut down and sort out. We need a year-long LOCKDOWN of all research. Not just medical research, ALL ALL ALL ALL research. None of it is necessary. A very few projects are aimed at solving real problems. The vast vast vast majority is aimed at CREATING problems and killing people. During the year-long pause, sort out the good from the bad. Carefully resume the dozen or so useful projects, using a Trinity House approach, via a mutual insurance structure. Each project must bring in a profit by saving lives. The funder charges a fee to the companies that benefit from increased and improved lives. Any project that doesn't actually save actual lives will be cancelled forever.
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.