3 Cs
Interesting graphs from a poll of age groups by MorningConsult. The poll focused on CRT, Capitalism, and Cancel Culture.
CRT and Capitalism are perfectly linear by age. The oldest hate CRT and love Capitalism, the youngest love CRT and hate Capitalism.
Cancel is a total exception. EVERYONE hates it. The graph is linear EXCEPT for Gen Z, who hate it even more than boomers. The youngest part of Gen Z hates it the most. Why? Probably because they see it on a personal level as a form of bullying. The cancel bullies are mostly within that age group, but this stat would indicate that the bullies are a small part of the cohort.
The real problem, of course, is NOT within Gen Z. The problem is corporate and school administrators who respond instantly to the worst part of Gen Z. Bullies and Karens are part of every generation. These particular bullies have been granted a unique amount of LEVERAGE. One bully can ruin everyone.
Maybe this stat will help those admins to see that they're HARMING Gen Z instead of helping.
Where would I fit on the graphs? Pretty much out of the chalk lines. Born in 1949, toward the oldest end of boomers. I hate capitalism passionately and rationally. I think CRT is a silly fad not worth thinking about and not worth fighting over. I think Cancel is normal and inevitable, with a momentary peak right now that will automatically fade.