Wrong question as always
Quora question: Does science produce atheists?
This is well-traveled territory among ID types, but I never stopped to think about it from the other angle.
What DOES produce "science-led" atheists?
For 5000 years we've had specialized scientists who weren't called scientists. Astronomers/astrologers, as I've been
discussing lately. Alchemists/chemists. Blacksmiths/metallurgists. Aristocratic doctors who had the time to do research on diseases.
The vast majority of them were solid theists, in the prevailing system of their era. Among those who wrote about the subject, opinion is unanimous. The more you learn about stars or organs or cells, the more you recognize that this stuff was created and designed. Only a superficial text-based knowledge can retain a belief in atheism.
I've gone through this sequence personally. After public school I was a standard Dawkins-type atheist, contemptuously dismissing all theism. After I started learning and teaching (via courseware) the fine details of human speech and perception, I was FORCED BY FACTS to see the design. The more I learn about the details, the more I'm convinced of design.
And that's the key.
Science doesn't produce atheists.
Science EDUCATION, and superficial public science as seen on TV or magazines or government genocides, produces atheists.
Labels: Carver, Grand Blueprint