More backstory, still no story
Tucker summarizes the 'backstory' behind Mecher.
Starting in 2005 inside Bush's regime, a few
burning ascetic sleepless psychopaths worked together to plot a revolution. They were inside the 'bioterror' department of the government, where Mecher threw the switch on his demonic plan in March 2020.
Okay... but still nothing. Lots of radical plans to ruin the world are hashed out in various parts of government and NGOs all the time. Many of them are equally horrible.
This is unfortunately normal.
Radical plans don't become A WORLDWIDE TOTAL HOLOCAUST on their own. They require a huge number of helpers, who are convinced and cultized by the radicals, plus a huge number of lower-echelon workers who are blackmailed into silence.
This particular plan involved ALL THE FUCKING GOVERNMENTS IN THE WORLD EXCEPT TANZANIA. It mobilized and cultized and secretized at least a million people in every county and city of the world.
How did it grow from three typical demons to a million committed holocausters, without any complaints along the way? In fifteen years of development, many of the helpers would have retired or changed jobs, losing the blackmail leverage. Why didn't we hear from any of them?
And why aren't we hearing any of the story NOW from the people in power who turned away from it? Noem never collaborated, and several Dixie governors turned away early and firmly. They weren't killed and weren't blackmailed into submission. They have been actively disproving the whole scheme for a full year, and still haven't been removed or killed.
That's the puzzle. The threats may have sounded serious, but GUTSY leaders have shown that the threats weren't implemented. Is there still a serious threat against talking? If so, why allow the disproof but not the discussion?
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