The usual statcounter frustration
One perpetual puzzle about blogging: When I make a positive reference to some location or city, I rarely see any readers in that city reading the item about their city. Nobody is looking for positive words about their own place.
But often I see readers in that city looking at SOMETHING ELSE, which is frustrating.
Hey! I just finished saying really good stuff about you! Why don't you want to see good stuff about you?
Recently I praised a literally heavenly singing group based in Chennai, in the Tamil part of India.
Today a reader in Chennai showed up. Are they looking at the item about Chennai? Nope, they're just part of a clickfarm. I've seen this 'are we smarter' item many times as a target of recognizable bots.
Win 10 + latest Chrome + obscure location = clickfarm.
Unlike most of my clickfarm favorites, this one isn't entirely trivial and stupid, but it's only interesting in the specialized realm of plant intelligence. It has no connection with India or current affairs.
Labels: Smarty-plants