These diagrams clearly show the primary advantage of analog systems, whether mechanical or fluid or electronic, over digital software. In real life each layer or module or neuron or organism is always continuously influencing all other layers, with influence and feedback in all directions at once. Interconnected water columns do it naturally. You can't do it at all with interconnected functions in software. You can pass differences from subroutine A to subroutine B, and pass results back, but there's no way to make the influences simultaneous and continuous.This is a point that even AI skeptics don't seem to grasp, perhaps because they're too young to have experience with analog stuff. = = = = = New thought: By channeling all of our communication through digital cellphones, we have been digitalized. We are software, not organisms. We can only communicate via function arguments and function returns in discrete time intervals. We can no longer CONTINOUSLY INFLUENCE ALL OTHERS, WITH INFLUENCE AND FEEDBACK IN ALL DIRECTIONS. The softwarization of humans was finished off this year with ballgags and distancing. Physical contact and EMOTIONAL INFLUENCE have been totally disconnected. Even when we're privileged enough to be allowed in the same room (600.0 kilometers apart) we can only communicate verbally by shouting and repeating the muzzled words over and over. We can't send or receive expression or smell or microbes or subtleties of tone. In normal analog life we gain immunity and tolerance to microbes AND to emotional invasions by constant continuous multidirectional immersion in microbes and pheromones and voices and touch and expression. We give and receive constant feedback. When we're deprived of this casual and constant multidirectional interaction, we lose ALL TYPES OF IMMUNITY. We can be sickened and killed quickly by any invasion of thoughts or microbes or smells or expressions. TOTAL OCD IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE IS THE PURPOSE AND THE ENDGAME.
Labels: AI point-missing, endless hell, Jackboot stomping forever
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.