Nothing like this — what we are living through in most deep-Blue metro areas, primarily — has been tried at this scale in the entirety of human history. We are permanently stuck in a doomloop from early Spring. Media sensationalism feeds public opinion, which is fed back into political (re)action by pseudo-responsive democratic elite and policymakers, which then stokes more media sensationalism which then... yeah. I think a lot about something I read about early on in the pandemic by @pinboard, about how the cure for scurvy was widely known and demonstrated, but how, eventually, that knowledge was not only lost but discredited. The cure for scurvy was eventually rediscovered. And that gives me hope. But I fear the short- and medium-term.Focusing on lost technologies and lost places and lost ideas is my MISSION here. I try to find forgotten bits of science and pull them back into the spotlight. I hadn't thought about this particular pattern. Immunity has now been intentionally lost and discredited after 500 years of constant EXPERIENCE-BASED improvement, with several dramatic successes like polio and smallpox. Campbell mentions that the vitamin connection to scurvy was lost and then ultimately rediscovered, which offers "hope" that maybe someday, several centuries from now, if anyone is still alive, the ragged remnants may rediscover immunity from literal scratch. = = = = = I've discussed another medical loss and rediscovery in detail: Electrotherapy. Reprint from 2013: = = = = = START REPRINT: In my continual reading of 1901-era technology, I'd noticed considerable action in the area of 'electrotherapy', using small currents to help or cure various medical and mental conditions. Wasn't paying much attention to this; had always heard that it was quackery. A recent bit of science news described a similar use of small currents across the head (now called TCDS), with seeming benefit in mood and memory performance. Decided to look closely, and found that electrotherapy was emphatically NOT quackery, though some practitioners overstated its benefits. Early big-name neurologists like Erb and Duchenne were experimenting with electricity, and they had a precise understanding of how it worked. They knew which locations, which polarities, which current strengths to use for various conditions, how to stir up an inhibitory or excitatory response, how to dilate or constrict blood vessels. They were able to document positive results in many areas, including improved mood, sleep, and memory; helping broken bones mend; and clearing cataracts. Most impressively, they had a solid understanding of emotional conditions, and a properly humble view of their ability to fix or repair them. When electricity helped, they used it. When it didn't, they abandoned it. All of this was firmly established several decades before Freud came along. Well, what did Freud do? He replaced their direct and careful experimental results with a pile of non-observable and wildly complicated fantasies and epicycles. He replaced the long-standing (and probably innate) 'healer' model with a sequence of non-observable interactions THAT NEVER WORKED. Freud's system failed from the start. It's been exposed as a failure over and over, from within the psychiatric profession. But the Freudians are in charge, so any attempt to reassert facts is ruthlessly smashed. Modernists always commit the same crime when they infest any field of human endeavor. They toss out centuries of facts and experiments and functional theories; replace the facts with instantly disprovable theories, lies, abstractions and epicycles THAT DON'T WORK; then ferociously obliterate anyone who tries to restore the facts. You can see it in climate "science" with Michael Mann, John Holdren, Lord Stern; in politics with Marx, Betty Fried[m]an, Irving Kristol; in economics with Marx, Milton Friedman, and Paul Krugman; in jurisprudence with Louis Brandeis and Stephen Reinhardt; in physics with Einstein. = = = = = Polistra and Happystar will demonstrate one particular use of electrotherapy, described in this book on p.38. Caught my attention because it's a wonderful gadget with a wonderful name, because it supposedly cured tinnitus, and because it sort of resembles a modern impedance audiometer. The inventor, Dr Henry Houghton, was attempting to provide simultaneous physical and electrical manipulation to the auditory system. He added electrodes to a stethoscope, pushing electrons into the ears in pulses. The circuit is closed by an anode on the back of the head. Simultaneously, pulses of air are pumped into the stethoscope itself. He got results with one patient:
According to their report, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, they have identified that the process called stimulus-timing dependent multisensory plasticity is altered in animals with tinnitus. They claim this plasticity is "exquisitely sensitive" to the timing of signals to a key area of the brain. The dorsal cochlear nucleus is where signals from the auditory nerve enter the brain. Neurons in this area integrate this auditory information with other sensory signals, such as touch. In tinnitus, when the sounds from the ear are reduced, the signals from the somatosensory nerves in the face and neck - which relate to touch - are amplified. Prof. Shore and her team are now developing a device that combines sound and electrical stimulation of the face and neck in order to return the neural activity to normal.Sounds familiar! Simultaneous pulsing to re-sync the nerves. = = = = = END REPRINT. The loss and return of electrotherapy took about 60 years, from 1920 to 1980. Electrotherapy is nowhere near as important as immunity, so a 60-year gap probably didn't kill a lot of people, just deprived them of function and pain relief which COULD HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE if the pill-pushers hadn't memoryholed electrotherapy.
Labels: Jackboot stomping forever
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