Reprint on Pointland
Previous item about Trump as president of Trump reminded me of something. Reprint with a couple of obvious added words.
= = = = = START REPRINT FROM 2015:
Nature is walls.
Modern satans break all walls, all boundaries.
What is the strictest and most unbreakable boundary of all, the highest wall?
There is no way to break out of the current moment. We're always stuck in it.
Our dear satans still can't break this one but they keep trying. They constantly violate a proper understanding of time, and Nature fights back.
Satans try to spread out the current moment to infinity in both directions.
We have delusional dysunderstandings of everything. Crime, genes, gender, economics, physics,
MEDICINE, everything is exactly wrong. We might be able to learn just how perfectly wrong we are by comparing with previous periods when humans got most of these things right. We might be able to read the lab notebook of human experimentation in the Old Testament.
But we aren't allowed to do that. We must simply treat all previous eras, up to [Current picosecond - 1], as

We either blot them out entirely or assume that the sane people of earlier periods were Unenlightened Barbarians. We find the rare idiots who suffered from modern-style brain disease, and we call them Pioneers or Prophets. We blame the sane people of previous eras for punishing or ignoring Our Prophets.
If we had a little more empathy, a little more understanding of
The Other, we might be able to draw proper conclusions about our current behavior. We might be able to see that our current behavior has failed every time it was tried. Again, this applies to all realms of behavior. Religion, government, economics, family life,
Because we can't see
The Other in 300 AD or 1500 or 1860 or even fucking YESTERDAY, we have no feedback mechanism. We only see ME ME ME NOW NOW NOW. We aren't able to adjust our behavior to avoid disaster. Like
Gulliver's Laputans or
The Monarch Of Pointland, we are tightly locked inside our little bubble of pure delusion. We have built a WALL between us and reality. We think THIS wall, unlike all the walls we joyfully smash, is impenetrable. Nature knows better.
= = = = =
Footnote on ME ME ME NOW NOW NOW: The spatial side of this infantile sprawl, the ME ME ME part, is expressed best by Neocons and Exceptionalism.
I've discussed this many times.
= = = = = END REPRINT.
Labels: Jackboot stomping forever