Sounds good
McAfee writing from Spanish prison:
If congressmen who make laws concerning prison sentences were required to spend a few weeks in prison prior to taking office, I can assure you we would have a more just and humane system of handling people who possess illegal drugs or commit non-violent offenses.
Sounds good but wouldn't work.
If officials were human, it might work. In other times and places, some officials were human. Here and now, all** officials, especially Federal officials, are monstrous psychopaths who would have been quickly executed in those earlier sane times.
Psychopaths don't have inputs. They don't have empathy. They aren't influenced by facts or opposition or anything except their innate and unstoppable and insatiable
= = = = =
** Not exactly all. This can be quantified. By the Nuremberg Rules, all national presidents except Sweden, Belarus, Tanzania, and possibly Turkmenistan and Uruguay, would be executed. All US governors except Noem and DeSantis would be executed, and most of them would need to be tortured as well. All US mayors would be tortured and executed. All US Public Death Officers would be excruciatingly tortured until the end of the universe. Only the sheriffs and county leaders would be worth the trouble of processing and examining individually.
Many of them have tried to remain human.
Labels: Jackboot stomping forever, Jail mode