AI point-retargeting
AI point-missing goes around the bend into outright Deepstate servitude.
Patterson at MindMatters is running through the usual stuff about social media feeding you more and more of what you want, which supposedly isolates you in a fact bubble.
The fact bubble has always been there. Nothing new. Before 1946, newspapers appealed to the fact bubble in a competitive way. After
newspapers converged to 100.0000000% DNC, other media resumed the fake competition.
Tautology: You're never going to get independent thought from big media. It's simple math. A newspaper or TV or radio station with broad circulation, or a website with lots of high-quality content, takes BIG MONEY**, and also requires LEGAL STAFF and COMPLIANCE STAFF and COPYRIGHT RESEARCHERS to maintain its licensing and avoid lawsuits. You don't get big money without adhering strictly to Deepstate orthodoxy, and you certainly don't evade lawsuits and regulations and taxes by independent thinking.
But the
what you want part is wildly wrong. The 'suggested for you' algorithms tend to pick
topics you've clicked before, but the actual content WITHIN those topics is always on the orthodox side. It's intentional RE-EDUCATION. Youtube sees that I'm watching 'independents' like ACU, and beats me over the head with orthodox disinformation from Fauci. Quora sees that I like hidden rooms and cultural difference stories, so Quora feeds me anti-populist cultural differences. Admittedly it's harder to push the orthodox line in a topic like secret rooms, except that some of the questioners want to build a secret room to protect them from ORANGE WITCH POWDER.
Patterson is focusing on a Netflix show about social media, and closes by recommending that we should
visit the Take Action page at Netflix.
Jesus, dude. Didn't you stop to think about that? You're recommending that we should acquire independent thought from Netflix??????????????
= = = = =
** Later sidethought: The extinction of interest in 2008 helped to 'purify' and politicize the role of BIG MONEY. When you could earn interest on bonds and regular savings, it was easier to accumulate enough capital to start a business, through ordinary work and income. Now all fortunes must be made (and mostly lost) in the stock market, which is STRICTLY IDEOLOGICAL. The people who gain
and keep BIG MONEY are insiders who agree with Soros and know how to keep secrets.
Labels: AI point-missing