Belarus is known around the world as the country that makes the world's biggest dump trucks, extracts potash ore, produces lasers and optical electronics, micro-chips and electric vehicles, a country where information technology has made tremendous progress. Belarus also harnesses the energy of the peaceful atom. Belarusian scientists have set up their own research laboratory in Antarctica, take part in the Large Hadron Collider project. Belarus has joined the club of space powers, due to which Minsk hosted the International Congress of Association of Space Flight Participants in 2018. These achievements can be compared to elite sport. They are important. However, real science should first of all serve people and improve their quality of life. Therefore, we highly appreciate the efforts of agricultural scientists whom we owe great harvests, milk and meat yields. Our food industry has achieved international recognition as Belarusian products are a sensation on many markets.Nuff said. I double fucking dare you to find ANY US/UK/EU politician or scientist or ANY FUCKING BODY who says that science should serve people and improve their quality of life.
Labels: Carver, Natural law = Soviet law
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