Dryzek and colleagues believe that citizens' assemblies - groups of lay-people tasked with diving deep into the ethical and moral issues thrown up by genome editing - will provide a valuable guide for scientists, doctors and politicians around the world. "The fact that they are made up of citizens with no history of activism on an issue means they are good at reflecting upon the relative weight of different values and principles," Professor Dryzek said. Think of how we trust juries in court cases to reach good judgements. Deliberation is a particularly good way to harness the wisdom of crowds, as it enables participants to piece together the different bits of information that they hold in constructive and considered fashion."No history of activism is an important distinction. Real juries follow this rule, and do in fact make good decisions. A lot of our "political" idiocy should be replaced by more jury-like deciders. BUT: None of this matters because Big Science won't listen to the wrong decision. Big Science will simply continue doing what gets the grants. Genocide gets the grants. Manweller's Rule is universal. Elections don't count unless they agree with Deepstate. Protests are only effective when they agree with Deepstate. Jury decisions are only allowed to stand when they agree with Deepstate. Fake "democracy" is the biggest obstacle to real reform. We shouldn't waste our precious lives and souls on fake processes that change nothing. PEOPLE ARE INNATELY AND PERMANENTLY DIFFERENT, and PERSONALITY MATTERS more than anything else. A sane leader will lead sanely, and a psychopathic leader will kill everyone. When we're stuck in a country or state led by demonic psychopaths, we need to adopt a medieval attitude. Live our lives as decently as we can, recognizing that the demon will STOMP and kill us at any moment, ESPECIALLY when we feel the most hope. Pray for change but avoid hope. Just live.
Labels: 2000=1000, Jackboot stomping forever, Jail mode
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