First TOTAL return to normal.
Florida was already pretty close to normal, and now
DeSantis has made it ABSOLUTE AND OFFICIAL. No more requirements. Most important, counties and cities are FORBIDDEN to impose their own lockdowns and murder masks.
The mayors have been the worst of the mass murderers. In states where the governors tried to be slightly sane, mayors insisted on running an all-out holocaust.
DeSantis has been ahead of the curve for a long time. Now he's the unconstested absolute leader of the sane side.
Now there are exactly two normal places in the world. Belarus and Florida. Belarus never departed from normal at all. Florida didn't depart very far and returned fairly fast.
As I noted before, Turkmenistan and Sweden and Uruguay remained
officially normal at the national level, but it's clear from randomly sampled Youtube clips that many localities have imposed their own murder masks, so the
official rules didn't really control the country.
= = = = =
Later: I've been trying to correlate the normal/crazy axis with more systematic variables like strength of control. There's no clear pattern. For sure, a sane leader needs to have control of his bureaucrats and military if he wants to impose sanity on the mayors and school boards. A leader who doesn't have control, or isn't willing to USE his real control, will allow crazy mayors and crazy corporations to ruin the whole country.
Examining the four points of the truth table:
An innately sane and good leader, with strong authority, will create a normal country where normal people can live in peace and security.
A sane leader who doesn't have or use authority is useless. Lower-level demons will take control.
A psychopath with full authority will kill everyone.
A psychopath who doesn't have full authority is logically impossible. Psychopathic demons will do everything necessary, from honeytraps to assassinations, to GAIN total absolute control of the bureaucrats, and then kill everyone.
= = = = =
Strength of control is a second-level variable. In the end PERSONALITY is the only thing that matters.
Labels: Jackboot NOT stomping forever