Belarus continues to lead the way
Lukashenko shows yet again a CORRECT AND COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING of viruses and immunity.
Trust your body. Treat it right. Let it work. Don't fuck it up with panic and lockdowns and masks.
Your body knows VASTLY more than any doctor about fighting viruses. This was always true before 2020, and it's hyperinfinitely true now that all doctors have switched to mass murderers.
The Soviet 'time-capsule' countries DIDN'T turn doctors into killers. They continued the high-quality Soviet medical care.
Conservatives blame 'socialized medicine', ie Obamacare, for the transformation here. It's not that simple. Government can act FOR health or AGAINST health. In Belarus and Turkmenistan the fully socialized medical system is acting FOR health. What's the difference? Productive economy vs bank economy. In US and UK, all resources are devoted to increasing the wealth of Goldman and Bezos. In Soviet countries, all resources are devoted to productive labor. Everyone is useful, everyone produces things, so everyone needs to be ALIVE and healthy. Since 1973, bankers have figured out that they don't need people, so they do everything possible to eliminate people. An efficient market requires zero Negative Externalities. The current holocaust is the latest step in a LONG process.