A similar “surge in business” for Kroll followed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq after the company’s investigations into Saddam Hussein’s and the Bath Party’s finances had been used as partial justification for the military incursion. Kroll became a major provider of mercenaries along with companies like Blackwater and DynCorp to the U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation through its subsidiary Kroll Security International. Its clients included the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has long fronted for the CIA, and also provided mercenaries for the war in Afghanistan.DynCorp is just listed along with the other companies, one of those "excessive" details. This excessive detail answered a question. I sometimes check the blog stats to see if a few humans are reading along with the bots. When it appears that someone is reading my tech history and science crap, I feel rewarded. This item looked to me like a human who might be finding the scientific material interesting:
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