Reprint about humiliation
Trying to parse out why Euro countries are returning to sanity while US/UK are stuck in maximum holocaust mode.
This item from 2017 is vaguely parallel and may lead to better parallels. Grammar is a tool of
humiliation and subjugation, and a countertool for sane people.
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Yesterday I was thinking about
language as a genome, and I was thinking about
early cyberwar.
Those two questions modulated in my raggedy non-linear mind, emitting a new question as one sideband.
Question: Has anyone ever modified a genome as a form of war?
Again the biological side is easy. That's exactly what viruses do.
Again the linguistic side is hard, but history offers some
possible examples. As abovementioned, when simple-noun people mix with complex-noun people, simple nouns win. When article-at-end people mix with separate-article people, article-at-end wins. Verbs seem to be immune to this type of horizontal gene transfer.
We know this type of modification occurs. Was it
intentional? Did the Latin people mock and punish the native noun cases, essentially forcing the Teutons and Slavs to adopt Latin ways? An underclass that
imitates the
masters badly is even weaker and more Deplorable than an underclass
confidently and comfortably using its own language and culture. Humiliation is a primary** goal for masters.
Modern invaders are
trying to alter the grammar of their victims. Sorosians are using social force and legal force to remove the gender division of pronouns in English, and simultaneously trying to implant
temporarily created and individually chosen pronouns for gender categories that don't exist. The latter effort fits the 'imitate badly' goal. There's no way a normal person can keep up with the daily changes of 'my pronouns', so the imitation will always be unsure and humiliating.
So far the latter effort is canceling out the former. There's no way to adapt the deep categories of language to the momentary whims of delusional people. If the Sorosians would give up the Trans nonsense, they'd have a better chance of wiping out the gender distinction.
This change won't work in any language except English, because all other Euro languages have
grammatical gender that affects all nouns and doesn't correlate with actual human gender. Only English has purely
semantic gender that correlates exactly with biological gender.
Again it's fortunate that the Sorosians don't understand this basic point.
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** Exception to this rule: Stalin, a master of subjugation,
didn't use this form of humiliation. He took pains to preserve and strengthen the languages and cultures of various indigenous groups within the Empire. Orwell, echoing Stalin, also skipped this form. The proles were not expected to imitate the clothing and manners of the Inner Party; they were left free to maintain their own Cockney ways. Maybe Stalin wasn't a champion subjugator after all. Maybe he understood that strong government is more energy-efficient when the people feel respected.
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