I see
Berenson is thinking about recirculated HVAC as a special cause for the NYC specialness.
Ahem. Some of us were thinking about it two months ago.
You never get credit for being right at the wrong time. In normal circles you get killed. Even in circles generally devoted to truth, you're ignored until the COOL people decide it's the right time for a truth.
This is just human nature. Status and popularity are innate, permanent, and total. Truth is meaningless.
Only COOLness counts.
It wouldn't be so destructive if our
myths about life recognized this reality. The disconnect is especially consequential in technology, where the
good ideas generally sit unnoticed for 20 or 30 years before a COOL company picks them up for free and makes billions without paying or recognizing the inventor.
We constantly encourage unCOOL people to waste their lives trying for COOLness. We constantly encourage inventors to die in poverty. The myth, of course, is
spread by the COOL companies and COOL people to
assist their thievery and cruelty.
= = = = =
Footnote: Masks are a personal version of the hermetically sealed building. A mask forces you to recirculate your own microbes, utterly defeating the immune system's normal work of detecting and rejecting microbes. You exhale the microbes, then inhale the same microbes again. The load builds and builds until it kills you, or until it stirs an inappropriate HYPERimmune response... which, not coincidentally, seems to be a problem with Branded Flu cases IN HOSPITALS.
The demonic "public" "health" holocausters have thought of EVERYTHING. They know how immunity works. Using this knowledge satanically, they
DESTROY every aspect of life that helps us to stay alive. "Public" "health" is mass murder.
Labels: Jackboot stomping forever