Striking the target
Berenson posted an email from a young New Yorker who was getting ready for a teaching career, now mothballed by the holocaust.
The commenters give the expected mix of proper empathy and triviality, but
one stands WAY above the rest.
Until people understand livelihoods are just as important as lives this won't change.
YES. Most important statement of the year, and beautifully phrased. Actually the most important statement of the last 40 years. We pretend to value every life while killing every livelihood.
Offshoring and Share Value and now Lockdowns are aimed primarily at destroying livelihoods, destroying real business, removing all possible ways to be PRODUCTIVE AND USEFUL. When productivity is gone, PURPOSE is gone. When PURPOSE is gone, we die.
Looking at this commenter's twitter feed, he doesn't seem to spend much time on heavy matters; mostly he discusses details of the graphics industry. The one time he said something heavy, he struck the target perfectly.
Labels: Experiential education, Make or break, skill-estate