Next October we shall see the first test of the "Radio Harangue." A truce to jazz and bedtime stories while the candidate for re-election on the anti-Prohibition platform in New Jersey before his invisible audience debates with the Honorable Volstead, who will demonstrate (radially) that bootleggers and homebrewers should be massacred by machine guns. Little doubt the ether enfolding our earth will work overtime next fall.Nobody is running on the anti-Lockdown platform this year. Even Art Robinson, who could have been leading the movement based on expertise and previous courage, stood back and said nothing. = = = = = From Popular Radio, Sept 1923: A review of an early attempt to broadcast a theatrical play with sound effects.
At the proper moment, with the accompanying dialogue, the gentleman-butler began to shake it. In the studio where we sat around the transmitter, the noise of the coins in the shaker, deadened by the hand of the actor, gave a very good illusion of the gladsome sound of a cocktail coming into the world. But in the broadcasting room up on the roof, where an expert was regulating the waves (or whatever it is such experts do), this sudden and unexpected sound caused great consternation. "My God! Static !" he muttered and excitedly began pulling out stops like organ stops, adjusting multipliers and variable condensers, or whatever it is they adjust when "static" is heard. It was not until after the play was finished that the expert discovered that he had been endeavoring, like Mr. Volstead, to suppress cocktails. Fortunately, as in the case of Mr. Volstead, his efforts were not successful. So the joke was on him; again like Mr. Volstead.= = = = = From Popular Radio, June 1924:
In a radio voting contest held recently by Station WJAZ, Chicago, on the subject of national prohibition, over 47,000 votes were cast by telegraph at the voters' expense, the telegraph bill otalling over $30,000. The result was more than two to one in favor of modification of the Volstead Act.Sounds like a GoFundMe result, except that a GoFundMe run by a radio station would be on the opposite side now.
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