Often pushed into the shadows on the national political scene, education could become a significant election issue this year in a way that was virtually unthinkable at the start of 2020, taking center stage due to the massive disruption of the nation’s schools... President Donald Trump and others already are arguing forcefully for schools, which play a key role in the economy, to reopen as soon as possible, while Democrats are previewing a strategy of pinning a potentially tumultuous school reopening on the Trump administration.Doesn't it even strike you as ODD that Trump is pretending to support schools, while Democrat politicians are SERIOUSLY ADVOCATING perpetual closure of schools? Are you so purely locked into mindless opposition of the Wrong Team that you have forgotten 50 years of your own propaganda? In most states the D party and the teacher unions are exactly the same people. Now that the D party is the anti-education party, where will those unions go? They can't agree with anything Trump says. They will continue to support their own destruction, and continue to delete all education. Trump knows this, which is why he says shit. His goal is to obliterate the world, just as Inslee and Newsom and Bezos and a thousand others are obliterating the world. Psychopaths never stop destroying and killing. WAKE UP. WE DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. WE DON'T NEED TO AID AND ABET THEIR CRIMES. WE DON'T NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR OWN SUICIDE. Most real teachers are passionate about teaching, and love to see the kids learning and improving. Will they eventually decide that the unions are ruining their own passion and profession? Will they go outlaw?
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