Was Britain the worst part of EU?
In general all "independence" movements and "revolutions" are Soros holocausts. There may be exceptions, but it's getting harder and harder to find them. Every "revolution" converges to Soros sooner or later.
I always support the color "revolutions" initially, and I always learn the truth later. You'd think I would
metalearn from twenty learnings in a row, but I don't. Hope springs eternal in the idiot heart.
I'm still not convinced about Brexit, but a couple of data points are pulling toward Soros.
EU suddenly switched directions and started to protect its borders JUST AFTER Brexit. Before, EU was solidly committed to letting all migrants in. I wondered if Britain was the main force keeping the borders open.
2. Boris has been going all in with Gaian tyranny, and now with "flu" tyranny, enthusiastically competing with Macron for highest killcount.
Did Boris want out because EU was
constraining his tyrannical bloodfetish?
Not convinced yet, but getting there....
Now I'm convinced.