That's better, maybe
Now the REAL resistance is starting to get close to home. Snohomish county is a major segment of Seattle suburbia.
Many cops, including here, have been using common sense without public noise.
This is how tyranny ends cleanly. The lower-level enforcers and bureaucrats get tired of the shit and simply stop playing the game. The tyrant issues more and more edicts but NOTHING HAPPENS.
Public noise isn't needed, and when dealing with a monster like Inslee, public noise may well be counterproductive. (As always, I'll be happy to eat crow if this turns out to be wrong. Whatever it fucking takes.)
Next day: Unfortunately I was right.
Holocauster Inslee and co-holocauster Ferguson have issued an official clampdown response to the sheriffs.
Stomp, stomp, stomp, kill, kill, kill, kill.... The genocide machine runs forever.
Labels: Jackboot stomping forever