Klaatu barada nikto?
Here's something that doesn't make sense.
We know there won't be any "accountability" for the presidents and governors who decided to make holocausts against their own people. They will receive vigintillions of teradollars, infinite power and wealth, and trillions of MEGATURBONOBEL Peace Prizes.
BUT: Normally the leaders who FAIL to follow the rules would be quickly and harshly disposed of.
The latter is NOT happening.
Sweden and Belarus haven't been invaded by NATO or Colorrevolutioned by Soros. In fact the Deepstate media have always allowed a slight bit of credibility to Sweden, and now they're seriously asking whether Sweden had it right.
The governors in the Plains who chose NOT to lockdown haven't been suicided or accidented or invaded by the Delta Force, and the federal blackrobes haven't sued them yet.
Social media is thundering in both directions and partly censoring the real science as usual; but again the censorship is not nearly as total or ferocious as with other topics like "global warming" or "variable gender" or evolution. Real epidemiologists have been able to get their message through, even in Deepstate venues like New Superstitionist.
I can't begin to parse the motives, but it
feels like Deepstate was caught off guard by the sudden intervention. The power that forced the holocausts came from OUTSIDE of Deepstate, outside of Five Eyes, outside of Epstein, outside of the tech monsters. When Deepstate plans a coup, it plans much more thoroughly. It doesn't leave any exceptions alive.
Later, a much simpler theory.
Labels: Asked and unanswered, Jackboot stomping forever