Animal behaviour researchers have now identified four key forms of separation anxiety, and suggest that animal behaviourists should consider these underlying reasons as the issue that needs treating, and not view 'separation anxiety' as a diagnosis. The team, led by scientists from the University of Lincoln, UK, identified four main forms of distress for dogs when separated from their owners. These include a focus on getting away from something in the house, wanting to get to something outside, reacting to external noises or events, and a form of boredomNot four forms, one form. Dogs are PURPOSE. Dogs live for DUTY. A dog deprived of PURPOSE is frustrated, and will express the frustration in all sorts of ways. Humans are the same, though our PURPOSES AND DUTIES are more complex and varied. Men need to make things. When men can't make things, they break things. Dogs aren't makers; dogs are the ultimate servers and caretakers. A dog who knows his place and knows what he's meant to do will serve happily. Needless to say, this has immediate application to Deepstate's current final solution for Deplorables. The MAKERS have already been separated from their duties. Now the SERVERS are being separated as well. The result will be vastly more suicide and violence. THIS IS THE PURPOSE. DEEPSTATE HAS ONLY ONE PURPOSE: TOTAL EXTERMINATION OF NORMAL HUMANS.
Labels: From rights to duties, Make or break, skill-estate
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