What if votes were subscriptions?
Tired of getting Repooflican emails urging me to "Defend My President From Impeachment!" The request doesn't even make sense from a Repooflican viewpoint. Impeachment will give them President Pence, a more verbally reliable warmonger who will be able to serve two full terms starting in 2020. Trump would only have one more term. The Repoofs should be crusading FOR impeachment.
Trump is not MY president. He's not what I voted for.
Even though I knew with dead certainty that Trump would turn out to be perfectly identical to Clinton/Obama/Bush, I was in effect
signing a contract with a candidate who promised to do SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Instead, as expected, we got Hillary in drag. Hillary without balls.
Here's a modest proposal, along the lines of
government running like a business.
If votes were accompanied by payments, they could be treated as purchases of services. Candidates who broke their written promises could be prosecuted for fraud.
Under the current setup, even big payers can't count on getting results. Only the blackmailers in Deepstate get what they want. Money is irrelevant, just as votes are irrelevant.
Labels: modest and stupid proposal