Ohm was led to the conception of this law by assuming that the flow of electricity in a voltaic circuit is similar to the flow of heat by conduction in a rod. Also, his assumptions that the actions of two electrified particles are directly as their distance, and that the electricity is uniformly dense over each cross section of a conducting wire, were directly opposed to the laws and facts well established by Coulomb for statical electricity.Damned theoreticians. Always the same. Always ignoring truth if it doesn't fit the latest theory. Ohm assumed that charge was handed off step by step between the 'particles' in the wire, just as the molecular agitation of heat is handed off from one molecule to another. This led him to view resistance as a sort of velocity measurement:
That is to say, both elements reciprocally change their electric state as long as a difference continues to exist between their electroscopic forces; but this change ceases as soon as they have both attained the same electroscopic force. ... The motion is effected in most bodies so rapidly that we are seldom able to determine its changes at the various places, and on that account we are not in a condition to discover by observation the law according to which they act.If he was observing any delay using the instruments then available, he was probably seeing the result of inductive reactance in a long coil or wire, rather than simple resistance. A low-pass RL filter can easily take a perceptible amount of time to reach full flow. Why did Ohm's bad assumption work? Probably because it wasn't all that bad! I spent much of my life playing and working with electrical stuff: repairing, designing, building, teaching. I used Ohm and his variants and corollaries daily. I always started with the analogy of airflow or waterflow**, in which the electrons pass between the atoms of the metal at a finite speed, while the charge field acts instantly across space. In the end it doesn't matter which of these concepts is treated as a finite velocity. Polistra and Happystar try to see Ohm's original view, using a couple of experiments.
The time which it takes the current to make itself manifest upon the galvanometer depends upon the sensitiveness of the latter, consequently, neither the instant when the first portion of the current reaches the end of the line, nor the moment when the current begins to be constant, can be exactly determined. Of two galvanometers, the one which is most sensitive is first to show the passage of a current. In consequence of this the duration of the variable condition cannot be stated with absolute exactness, and we are obliged to confine ourselves to the determination of the time which is required for the current to reach a state that approximates closely to the permanent state. If we assume with Ohm that electricity flows through a wire in accordance with the same laws that govern the diffusion of heat in a rod which is heated at one end, we are led to the conclusion that the duration of the variable state is in proportion to the square of the length of the line. If, for instance, a certain line is 2, 3, 4 or more times as long as another, then the duration of the variable state is 4, 9, 16, etc., times as long as in the case of the shorter line.The analogy was clearly familiar and useful to engineers at the time. = = = = = Finally, here's a very recent revision of existing concepts about heat, showing from a different angle that Ohm's analogy was right after all. Via ScienceDaily, researchers at Zurich have made a resonant circuit with oscillating HEAT instead of oscillating electron flow. As with electric LC circuits, and as with mechanical resonators, this resonator continues oscillating for a while after the driving force is turned off. During the oscillation, heat flows alternately from a warmer object to a colder object, and then from the colder to the warmer. The latter half of the cycle 'technically' violates thermodynamics, but not really. Electronic and mechanical and fluidic resonant circuits can (and usually do!) move against the potential gradient for half of the cycle, so it shouldn't be strange that a heat resonator does the same. Simple example: The guitar string is "spontaneously" moving uphill against gravity for half of each cycle. We understand that this doesn't violate the laws of gravity, so we should think of heat flow the same way.
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.