The systems once common to all nations, by which they each endeavoured to gain advantages at the expense of others, without rendering any in return, are dying out of themselves. The modern principle rather is that it is better to have rich communities to trade with than poor ones. For ages the British Parliament, on principle, endeavoured to keep down manufactures and trade in the Colonies of North America; and most fortunate is it for us that it wholly failed. As a rich and powerful State, America returns us more in every way than if she was the most obedient of settlements, bound to us by the red tape of Downing-street.It's too bad we've forgotten this realization. We rigorously enforce Graybill on all of our neighbors and "partners", ruthlessly destroying all industries and resources that compete with Saudi oil or offend the psychopathic blood-fetish of Lord Bibi and Lord Adelson. We want our colonies to be poor and chaotic, and we also want the non-NYC parts of USA to be poor and chaotic. China and Russia are following this old British realization. China helps its African colonies to grow richer so they can provide better minerals and crops to China.
Labels: skill-estate
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