The fire warning system at Notre-Dame took dozens of experts six years to put together, and in the end involved thousands of pages of diagrams, maps, spreadsheets and contracts, according to archival documents found in a suburban Paris library by The Times. The result was a system so arcane that when it was called upon to do the one thing that mattered — warn “fire!” and say where — it produced instead a nearly indecipherable message.When will we ever learn? SOFTWARE CAN'T BE TRUSTED FOR IMPORTANT JOBS. I know. I've been writing the shit for 40 years. I know what it can do and what it can't do. Everyone who actually writes code understands this point, but some are paid to lie about it. Notre Dame should have hired a few dogs with handlers. Dogs KNOW when something is wrong, and don't give indecipherable coded messages. Border collies are UNSTOPPABLE when something is wrong. They will climb any number of stairs, chew through any number of walls, break through glass, kill themselves if necessary, to get the message across. LIFE IS PURPOSE. Border collies are EXTREME PURPOSE.
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