Learning environments can often complicate the learning process. For example, a student taking a course with both a teacher and a teaching assistant needs to adapt to the ways the different instructors teach the same subject. Even the varying ways teachers talk and behave can complicate learning.Sounds like they're trying to open the way for more foreign grad assistants, or maybe more "non-binary trans" grxd xssxstxnts. The finding:
The first method, "object-label learning," is when a student sees an object first and then is provided with the label. This means seeing a color before being told its name. Or hearing a description of a physical force before being hearing its formal title. The second learning procedure is "label-object learning," the reverse order in which a student sees a label first. The results of the study indicate that students who see objects first and then hear the name - object-label learners - process inconsistent information better than learners who hear the name first and then see the object.Verifies what real teachers have known forever, and not just in the peculiar context of "inconsistent information". Lab first, lecture later. Interact with reality first, without words or theories. Just enough instructions to get the experiment done without ruining the equipment or burning the building down. After you've finished SENSING and MAKING, you're ready to process the descriptions and formulas. This works even better if the lab experience is designed to leave you with a puzzle or conflict that can only be resolved with math. At that point the math is especially easy and positive.
Labels: Experiential education
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