Oregon Senate Republicans have notched a number of unlikely victories this Legislative session. None were as great as the concession they appeared to have won Tuesday morning. Without warning his Democratic colleagues, Senate President Peter Courtney, D-Salem, took to the Senate dais, gaveled the chamber to order and solemnly announced his party’s proposal for fighting[sic] climate[sic] change[sic] was dead. “What I’m about to say, I say of my own free will. No one has told me to say this,” Courtney said. “House Bill 2020 does not have the votes on the Senate floor. That will not change.”The REPUBLICANS in Oregon actually DID THEIR FUCKING JOB. They were elected to REPRESENT their constituents. Their constituents didn't want more Carbon Crap. The LEGISLATORS used every tactic in the book, including boycotting. When the demon dysgovernor illegally sent out the state troopers to gather them in, the REPUBLICANS refused to buckle. Result: REPRESENTATION. I wish the exquisitely delicate Wash state Repoofpoofpoof eunuchs would do the same. They squeal about ZERO TAX but don't even mention other issues, and always surrender before the battle starts.
Labels: Carbon Cult, infinite GOOD
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