Fact-processing dream
In waketime I've been participating in a neighborhood forum at NextDoor.com, and I've seen the picture of heavy demand and low supply for skilled trades.
Tonight's dream was a
typical conference-table scene among colleagues, probably turning the online conversations into a physical form. After much discussion about causes and effects, I admitted to the others: "Okay, I admit it. The jobs are there."
So I'll repeat the admission in waketime. Okay, I admit it. The jobs are there.
This is a major change of opinion!
Here in Spokane as of this year, there's a genuine shortage of skilled workers. This isn't true in many places, but it's true here and now.
The problem is on the training end, not the demand end. Community colleges are doing somewhat better, but public schools are still totally missing the boat, still preparing kids for Harvard instead of life.
= = = = =
Sidenote: The change of opinion might be easier because I'm in work mode again. Previous courseware assignment ended in October, and I took a break for a couple of months. I knew what the next assignment would be, so I started on it in December. The new project began officially in early Feb. I'm always saner and smoother when PAID work is underway, even though it's just barely paid.
Labels: Make or break