Progress report
US: Year 428 of the shutdown. Donald Trump CXIV and Nancy Pelosi LXIII are arguing about whether Thread #314,117,901 in the carpet of the White House has been singed by Trump CXIV's cesium-ion jetpack or by Pelosi LXIII's fusion-powered Tampax injector. Tomorrow the discussion will rapidly move toward a conclusion of the vastly important subject of Fiber #517,422,123,678 of the drywall in the Capitol restroom for Gender #95438504. Both sides are digging in their heels, and it may be several decades before we can move on to Fiber #517,422,123,679.
UK: Year 123,456,789 of the Brexit debate. Corbyn MMMMMMCCCCCLLLLXXXXXVIVIVIVIVI and May MMMMMMMMMMXIRPQT$%$#^&I have very nearly settled which language to use in a description of the table for the first meeting of the feasibility study on a debate about the size of digital paper to use for page 8954389543895834905894385903 of the Appendix Regarding The Lack Of Appendices On The Appendix To the Addendum To The Rider. Both sides are digging in their heels, and it may be several centuries before we can move on to page 8954389543895834905894385904.
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Meanwhile in the sane parts of the world, we don't need to go nearly that far into the future to spot progress in solving problems. We can simply watch it in real time.
Putin is on Year 18 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
Orban is on Year 8 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
Mahathir is on Month 10 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
Salvini is on Month 7 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
AMLO is on Month 2 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
Bolsonaro is on Month 1 of his rule. Every time a problem appears he solves it immediately.
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Do we detect a pattern here? The dead part of the world is SHRINKING and getting deader every day. The live part of the world is GROWING and getting more live every day. The redistribution is happening in two ways. A few dead countries like Italy are switching to the live side. Mostly the live countries are gaining population while the dead countries have stopped reproducing. Nature is curing the Soros disease all on its own.
Labels: Nonzero problems, things worth doing, Zero Problems