Through what was no doubt an oversight, the school law does not permit the parent to educate his child at home. Some of the very best educational results have been attained by individual instruction. The Sidis boy and Helen Keller were so taught. President Wilson did not send his daughters to school until they were twelve years old. Many other instances can be given. Individual instruction admits of being adapted to the needs of the pupil. He is not retarded by the laggard nor overworked to keep up with the precocious. The confinement is less irksome; the sanitary conditions better and the development more normal.105 years later the distinction is the same, BUT all states finally got around to allowing home-schooling. In many states the requirements are looser than Nichol proposed. Kansas only requires 'notification' of the authorities. Most of the action was in the '70s and '80s; by 1992 all states allowed home-schooling. The early victories were in state courts, followed much later by legislation. Peculiarly and uniquely, the Supreme Demons have never intervened. Why did they ignore this mainly Christian movement toward modularity? They jumped into EVERY other battle and gave Deepstate the final victory.
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