Down to business
Bolsonaro is getting down to business now. As he did before taking power, he's putting down markers to guide and measure the performance of his cabinet and bureaucrats.
This one is especially interesting from a Soros vs non-Soros viewpoint:
Mais de 15% do território nacional é demarcado como terra indígena e quilombolas. Menos de um milhão de pessoas vivem nestes lugares isolados do Brasil de verdade, exploradas e manipuladas por ONGs. Vamos juntos integrar estes cidadãos e valorizar a todos os brasileiros.
The tribes in remote areas are "exploited and manipulated by NGOs", and must be "valorized" as proper citizens.
However: His meaning is not clear without context.
If this history of the Quilombos is even close to correct, Bolsonaro doesn't think much of those folks. The history is written from a Sorosian viewpoint, but Bolsonaro's previous dismissive attitude comes through.
Labels: Metrology, things worth doing