Secondary purpose
As noted yesterday, tech-monsters REFUSE TO COMPETE with the robots they invite into their lives. No matter how often the Tesla crashes into walls or swerves into the wrong lane, they leave the autopilot turned on.
Windows 10 prevents you from doing any work, but the tech-monsters insist it's PERFECT. Even when AI replaces the tech-monster's own job, he continues advocating for more AI.
No-brainer headline on "scientific" "study":
Social media leads to depression
Of course the MAIN reason for this is simple and old. Social media, like ALL advertising, is designed to make you depressed and anxious so you'll buy more shit. Depression is Facebook's PURPOSE.
= = = = =
Convective thought: There's something else involved.
What's the best way to break out of anxiety and depression?
TAKE CONTROL. Get out of the house. Feel the wind and rain. Do something physical. Walk. Make things.
The tech-monster's REFUSAL to take control, REFUSAL to form a feedback loop of senses and muscles, GUARANTEES that you'll stay anxious and depressed.
Depression normally arises from learned helplessness, long EXPERIENCE of frustrated activity. You try and try and try to be respected or popular or useful, and nothing works. You're punished for your efforts. The tech-monsters short out this process by CHOOSING to be helpless.
Labels: Make or break