Cults and EXP and TANH again
The bitcoin cultists continue to disregard reality...
Moro suggested that the leading cryptocurrency will lose another 30 percent before bottoming at $3,000. Moro said, “You really won’t find [the floor] until you kind of hit the 3K-flat level.”
Finding the floor means gliding down and finding a level flight at a lower altitude.
In fact Bitcoin is not finding the floor. Bitcoin is getting ready to PENETRATE the floor. The idiots who thought they were "hodling" "value" will find that they are HOLDING DEBT.
Bitcoin is doing what Nature requires after a delusional attempt to PENETRATE the ceiling.
Cultists and share-value lunatics always
EXPect an EXPonential rise. Nature doesn't do EXP. When you try to do EXP, Nature cures your delusion.
When you are operating the Natural way, your life or success or profits follow a TANH pattern. No rise at first as you're learning, then fast growth after you find the correct path, then APPROACHING a ceiling and leveling out as you reach the limits of the correct path.
Labels: Natural law = Sharia law, Natural law = Soviet law