What am I complaining about?
Momentary convective thought:
Maybe I should be glad Deepstate is starting to focus on Saudi and China as enemies. Unlike Russia, they are REAL enemies. China has been running a trade war and massive spying for 30 years, and Saudi bombed NYC in 2001. Until now we've been COLLABORATING with both of those enemies while we build up toward our third invasion of Russia, which has NEVER ATTACKED US EVEN ONCE.
Unfortunately, the diffused
focus doesn't mean the war against Russia is slowing down. We're still adding more blockades and more NATO forces ready to attack.
The attack on Persia is also dropping out of the headlines, but our blockades and threats continue to build up.
So that's what I'm STILL bitching about.
= = = = =
The above thought was pointless, but writing
third invasion led to a more productive conclusion.
First invasion, 1918. Full military occupation, with troops and supply lines, aimed at turning Russia into a colony. Didn't work. Failed quickly.
Second invasion, 1990. Not military. We controlled Yeltsin and sent masses of economic "troops" to turn Russia into an economic appendage of Goldman. This invasion worked for a few years until Putin came along and restored Russia's independence.
The first two invasions had a common factor. Both happened
after Russia's government had been toppled by internal revolutions. We tried to turn the chaos to our advantage.
Our attempted third invasion doesn't share the common factor. Russia is economically and culturally united now, and its economy gets stronger with each of our blockades because Putin is serving the Russian people in a Russian way.
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