AI morality problem
Speaking of autonomous systems .... The latest from Classy Spokane.
This isn't new. Criminals often use taxis to deliver crime, and taxi drivers generally get the fuck out and call the cops when they see what's happening. Uber drivers have the same problem and the same response.
After Uber goes fully autonomous, the decision will be made by the perfectly intelligent all-knowing all-good computer, programmed to solve Complex Moral Conundra in picoseconds. How will the computer know that the riders got out and conducted a fight or a murder or a bank robbery before resuming their trip? In this case the action wasn't hidden; the two other suspects were clearly waiting for a pre-planned fight, which started immediately.
The answer is obvious. The computer won't know. Autonomous vehicles, if they actually worked, would be the perfect crime delivery system.
= = = = =
Later: One of the commenters hit the golden bell:
Uber Beats!Labels: Answered better than asked