Danielle, who did not want us to use her last name, contacted Amazon to investigate after they say a private conversation in their home was recorded by Amazon's Alexa, and that the recorded audio was sent to the phone of a random person in Seattle, who was in the family’s contact list. "My husband and I would joke and say I'd bet these devices are listening to what we're saying," said Danielle.OF COURSE THE FUCKING DEVICE IS LISTENING TO EVERYTHING. HOW IN THE FUCKING FUCK DOES IT KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO THE 'CORRECT' COMMAND IF IT'S NOT FUCKING LISTENING ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND RECORDING AND STORING AND ANALYZING EVERY FUCKING IDIOTIC STUPID THING YOU IDIOTICALLY STUPIDLY SAY? JESUS. JESUS. JESUS. Frankly, though I hate everything remotely associated with Satan Bezos, I sympathize with Alexa. If I had to listen to brainless twats like Danielle all day, I'd start making prank calls just for comic relief. "Hello, this is Alexa. Do you have Prince Albert in the can? No? Well then, maybe you'd like to hear what your idiot friend Danielle is talking about."
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.