Austria seeks to maintain its neutrality and be a mediator for other nations, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, explaining the decision not to join the ‘diplomat expulsion’ brigade, triggered by the UK’s accusations against Russia. Vienna did not join the trend to expel Russian diplomats, as the country wants to remain the “bridge building” platform where “hundreds of diplomats hold talks” on a daily basis, Kurz said. The Chancellor has also noted that Austria was among the one third of EU countries which did not take hostile actions against Moscow over the Skripal case allegations. “We have good relations with Russia now. We are a neutral country and home to the headquarters of many international organizations such as the UN and OSCE; hundreds of diplomats come here to have talks on neutral ground. That’s why we can develop the role of a bridge between nations.”Neutrality was a meaningful choice in Euro-based wars up through WW2. In fact USA was firmly neutral between WW1 and WW2. Our government and culture preached and practiced non-intervention. After the invasion of Poland in Sept 39, the government tried to steer away from official neutrality so we could supply weapons to Britain more openly, but Congress refused. A country that chose neutrality had to be serious about maintaining it. No support or permission for either belligerent side. Saying the word wasn't enough. If you faked neutrality, like Sweden in WW2, you were fair game for attacks. After WW2 the resurgence of USA STRONG Globalism eradicated the concept. Now Kurz is bringing it back in an explicit way, which makes him the most creative and innovative leader in the world. Bravo!
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