But a very few years ago these men, now once again a unit, were split into factions by the misrule of one who promised to be a great king, and the men who have accomplished this gigantic task of unification have been his late lamented Majesty King Mohamed Nadir Shah and his brothers. And how did Nadir Shah manage to re-establish the order of the kingdom after the revolution? The deeds of his gallantry and the sacrifices that his family made may now pass into a legend. Here we are more concerned as to the actual progress which his plan produced in Afghanistan, to the extent that within a surprising space of five or six years, that mountain country is now well-nigh her old self again.What did he accomplish?
Since 1931, practically every village of any size has had a school, and primary education is compulsory; food and books are also given to the scholars. The National University of Kabul trains students even in medical science, and more than two hundred students are having advanced instruction in European and American universities.Hmm. When we invaded Afghanistan in 2001, we were AUTHORITATIVELY INSTRUCTED that Afghanistan was permanently stuck in the Stone Age. The primitive savages had never learned how to tell time. Were we hearing LIES? Nah, impossible. Our wonderful government always tells the truth. I love Big Brother.
Within the last two years nearly two thousand miles of [paved] roads have been constructed, and it is only now that, through them, the capital has been linked with the Russian frontiers on the Oxus by means of motor roads. Internal security and the proper organisation of trade connexions have enormously increased Afghan trade activities so that - again for the first time - an Afghan National Bank has been installed at Kabul, with its branches in India, Persia, Russia, and England. The flow of Afghan trade in its turn has enriched the Government exchequer, and the salaries of practically all Government employees have been increased. Since no National Debt, as such, exists, and trade improves every year, life has become peaceful and happy in the country; nor does unemployment haunt Afghan homes.Was this overoptimistic propaganda? Nope. Many other sources verify the progress made by the RESTORED MONARCHY from 1920 to 1973. NOTE that the author cheers the lack of debt. You won't catch a Sorosian author doing that nowadays. Debt is holy because debt exterminates Deplorables and enriches the Tribe. NOTE ALSO that Britain and Russia were WORKING TOGETHER to help restore Afghan trade and infrastructure, because both stood to benefit by opening up Afghan resources. Typically, the progress broke in 1973, the universal point of inflection. Atypically, it was Russia that broke Afghanistan at that time. Russia had been chiefly defensive, operating by proxy, since WW2. Afghanistan was their first American-style aggression. Russia learned the lesson and stopped aggressing. We still haven't learned anything and won't until we're cured by excising us from the universe. Faster, please.
Labels: Alternate universe
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