No, I don't want it, you miserable fuckheads.
Email from Wash State Repoofs:
No, filthy fuckheads, I do not want "my" $2000 and I wouldn't spend it if I got it. I'd save it. I don't have enough income to get refunds anyway, so it doesn't matter if I want it or not. When I did have enough income to get refunds, I didn't want a bigger refund. Most people should pay more taxes so we can get rid of government debts. Ideally the government should
operate at a profit so it doesn't have to rely exclusively on taxes.
In terms of practical Wash state politics, I only want one thing. Remove alien demon Ferguson from the office of Attorney General and replace the demon with NOTHING AT ALL. You are not capable of finding a non-demon; your previous Attorney General McKenna was almost equally demonic.
The current demon is wasting state resources by filing a new lawsuit every minute against Trump actions. Immigration, trannies in the military, Net Neutrality. Most of these Trump actions are attempting to undo executive orders by Obama in his last year in office, which means they're restoring the status quo during MOST OF OBAMA.
Demon Ferguson has been in office since 2012, and he wasn't filing any lawsuits against the earlier Obama policies WHICH ARE THE SAME AS THE TRUMP POLICIES. The Trump orders, WHICH ARE THE SAME AS THE STATUS QUO BEFORE 2015, are wrong because the wrong party is enacting them.
This is insane. This isn't ideology or politics, it's plain old bigotry.