Getting deper and deper
Another random convective popup from the last few items.
Sounds adjusting constantly to match their surroundings = camouflage.
All natural sensory input, plants and animals and all the doings of other humans, is DEception.
DEception = FROM-catch. Pulling you away from understanding or grasping the meaning.
PERception = THROUGH-catch. Seeing past the DEception. Reverse engineering the DEception to grasp the original intention or purpose.
After we PERceive the underlying purpose or meaning of the input, we feed the meaning into our ever-boiling internal fiction soup, and find a way to blend the new meaning. Usually it melts nicely; sometimes it needs more salt or more onions to restore the flavor.
Every now and then we PERceive a meaning that won't fit at all, and we have sufficient reason to trust the new PERception. At that point the internal fiction, or at least one segment of the pot, must be tossed out and restarted using the new meaning as stock.
As long as we remain hardwired to a preprocessed pipeline via TV, we never encounter new meanings. TV does all the PERceiving for us, feeding us a guaranteed uniform toxic glop that always blends with the existing toxic glop.
Labels: Grand Blueprint