Poker/sucker parallel
Still continuing from previous:
Here's a rule that runs parallel to the poker/sucker thing. I never understood the poker/sucker thing because I don't gamble. I understand this rule. Most likely nobody else will, but fuck it.
Background: Traps, whether cults or bubbles or protests, thrive on the Magician's Secret. The enemy and destroyer of traps is
Show your motives and your goals and your mechanisms.
= = = = =
So here's the rule:
If your leaders (government, media, corporate) can't or won't explain what they're doing, they're setting a trap.
If you can't explain what you're doing, you're IN a trap.
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Showing my work: In the '69 protests our gurus were clearly working for the D party, not for Peace and Justice. They encouraged us hippies to protest the war AND to campaign for standard pro-war D candidates. The gurus never explained this conflict; we were supposed to trust their "strategy" and "necessary compromises". Later, when I was discussing the whole mess with people who hadn't been involved in the Sixties, I found that I couldn't explain my actions. I could only come up with vague words like