Others of us emphatically disagree: Under no circumstances would the use of nuclear arms be justified. Our reasons hinge on the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder,” and the indiscriminate nature of nuclear weapons. Simply put, they end up killing a great many more civilians than combatants, and therefore, their use violates one cardinal principle of just war: proportionality.No. Dead wrong. When considering any weapon or defense tool from guns to walls to armies, you have to consider both its effects when used and its effects when not used. People and nations buy and build guns and walls MAINLY for the not-used side. As I've noted before, just after August 1945 our military took an open source approach to the A-bomb, making the recipe and design available to other countries. At that point we were still following FDR's non-interventionist mode. We didn't want to run the entire world and we didn't want to see Germany and Japan running the entire world either. We understood that the A-bomb had deterrent powers beyond any previous weapon, and we wanted to spread the deterrence as far as possible. When the globalists took back the power that FDR had suppressed, the open source attitude was replaced by "non-proliferation". We were determined to be the ONLY nation with the top weapon, capable of squashing all other nations under our jackboot. Fortunately the non-pro evil didn't work completely. Russia continued to build and maintain its own bombs, and several small countries have managed to build their own deterrents against our jackboot. Libya is the perfect and sufficient experiment. Qaddafi had a few bombs, and we let him rule. After our 9/11 globalism-advancing theater piece, we persuaded Qaddafi to give up his bombs. We rewarded him for his niceness by killing him and turning his country into bloody chaos.
Labels: defensible spaces
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